lundi 9 février 2009

Arise, arise, ye subterranean winds

Hurry up, planes, the winds are getting insane!

Both Orly and Roissy Charles de Gaulle airports will be closing at 20:00, because of the upcoming tempest. Paris will become an island on which no ship shall land.

Next the Seine will be coloured in blood and it will rain frogs and locusts.

No movie going then, it's a stay-at-home night. I'm debating with myself whether to watch Dial M for Murder on Paris Première or to start reading Henning Mankell's last novel, Kennedy's brain.

I have vague memories of Dial M and as I really enjoyed watching Shadow of a Doubt that was showed weeks ago this might be a fitting evening for some tense Hitchcock flick .

Hopefully soon, following Ariel, we'll sing along

Dry those eyes which are o'erflowing,
All your storms are overblowing.
While you in this isle are biding,
You shall feast without providing,
Ev'ry dainty you can think of,
Ev'ry wine that you can drink of,
Shall be yours and want shall shun you,
Cere's blessing too is on you.

dimanche 8 février 2009

Botox movie

The strange case of Benjamin Button is...boring. No, I don't think it's a masterpiece at all. The idea of the man born old and aging backwards was an interesting premise but the film doesn't deliver. The actors do their best but all those special effects and heavy makeup that disrupt time, and distort flesh and bodies, actually make the film as expressionless as a lifted face. It was often pointless and obvious.

Besides there was something I didn't like at all but I can't really put my finger on it. I have yet to read Fitzgerald 's short story but I think that David Fincher indulged in a soppy fantasy fable, a sentimental movie borrowing from too many genres at once, but eventually he missed the true tragedy that lies in living à rebours.

I found much more poignant the story of the girl suffering from the Merlin syndrome that Dan Simmons told in his Hyperion Cantos. I even cried reading it.

Slumdog Millionaire and Milk are next on my to-see list.

samedi 7 février 2009

Mi-temps 10-13

Ireland is leading but Sébastien Chabal was this close to score a try !

He looks really elegant when he's running. Must be the hair...and the long legs.

So far it's a good match but they all must be very tired.

Now no more mistakes and let's have some French flair! Really I should coach the team...