The good thing about the Internet buzz concerning the Shoe Attack against Bush in Iraq is that now everybody seems to recall Khrushchev banging his shoe on the table at the UN in 1960.
Some people said that the shoe event was an example of Khrushchev's terrible temper and primal reactions but I have been told–I haven't seen the pictures myself– that he was actually still wearing both shoes on his feet at the time so he would have brought an extra shoe as a mere prop, cunningly premeditating the whole thing.
Some people said that the shoe event was an example of Khrushchev's terrible temper and primal reactions but I have been told–I haven't seen the pictures myself– that he was actually still wearing both shoes on his feet at the time so he would have brought an extra shoe as a mere prop, cunningly premeditating the whole thing.
8 years before, Adlai Stevenson was running for the White House. He believed in the power of words but was caught with a hole in the sole of his shoe, and Eisenhower won the elections.
The Iraqi journalist that aimed at Bush, is said to have practised throwing shoes for weeks.
Morale de l'histoire? The political shoe must be at hand but requires planning.
RépondreSupprimerGreat post. I hadn't made the connection to the other political shoes.
Of course Khrushchev might have stolen Gromyko's shoe.