jeudi 8 janvier 2009

No ice, thanks

Lewis Carroll made up portmanteau words like "slithy"; Boris Vian, who was a poet (and also a writer, jazz musician and songwriter), loved to make des mots-valise too. For example "Pianocktail" is a famous false synesthesia from L'Ecume des jours. Poetical licence, that allows the most fantastic literary instruments, created there a surrealistic item providing various musical nectars, liqueurs that were musically flavoured, according to the piece being played.

I am not a poet but today– is it the influence of that Siberian weather that has been freezing Western Europe for a few days or because of the news about Russia and the Gazprom issue?- I indulged in a Vian-like unintentional creativity, and talked to my students about vodkabulary instead of vocabulary (well, actually I said "vodkabulaire" in lieu of "vocabulaire").

There must be either a sleeping surrealist artist or a should have been drunkar in me.

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